The new 3W Medical App is here!
Request appointments, view your patient portal, access patient handouts, and more with the new 3W Medical App designed just for you!
Always accessible, always free.
Whether you need to request an appointment, check lab results, get directions, or give us a call, our app has you covered—free of charge.
Always accessible, always free.
Whether you need to request an appointment, check lab results, get directions, or give us a call, our app has you covered—free-of-charge.
Patient handouts at your fingertips.
Access electronic copies of our patient handouts for helpful information on treatment options, health conditions, further resources, and more.
Patient handouts at your fingertips.
Access electronic copies of our patient handouts for helpful information on treatment options, health conditions, further resources, and more.
Listen and learn.
Browse and play all of our podcasts with ease so you can continue learning long after your appointment is over—or even if you’ve yet to come in for an appointment!
Listen and learn.
Browse and play all of our podcasts with ease so you can continue learning long after your appointment is over—or even if you’ve yet to come in for an appointment!
Click the icons below from your phone to download it today!
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